Foot-and-mouth-disease ‘could help treat pancreatic CANCER’: Scientists completely rid mice of tumours using protein from animal virus

Foot-and-mouth-disease causes mouth blisters in animals such as cowsA protein from the virus was developed into a drug to target pancreatic cancerIt completely killed tumours in mice, research showsScientists hope the…

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Cancer growth can be slowed by eating prebiotic foods such as asparagus and onion which boost killer immune cells, study on mice suggests

Prebiotics are a group of compounds that help boost the variety of gut bacteriaScientists fed mice prebiotics before analysing how they fought cancerThey found more gut microorganisms, which bolsters the…

Continue ReadingCancer growth can be slowed by eating prebiotic foods such as asparagus and onion which boost killer immune cells, study on mice suggests

Alzheimer’s hope as researchers find nine genes that may PROTECT against the memory-robbing disorder

Researchers looked at DNA of 10,000 people, half of whom had Alzheimer'sThose without condition had genes which stop a protein from functioningThe proteins, called tyrosine phosphatases, are involved in cell…

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Cancer breakthrough as scientists find tumours give off traceable ‘signals’ up to DECADES before they grow to be malignant

Researchers studied nearly 2,700 tumours and 38 different types of cancerThey were looking for driver mutations - those which will cause cancer Changes 'particularly early' in ovarian cancer and two brain…

Continue ReadingCancer breakthrough as scientists find tumours give off traceable ‘signals’ up to DECADES before they grow to be malignant

Gene-editing therapy for cancer moves one step closer as scientists engineer patients’ blood cells to recognise and destroy tumours

Gene-editing is the next great hope in the ongoing race to find a cure for cancer Scientists have shown gene-edited white blood 'T-cells' are safe in patientsThey can stay in the…

Continue ReadingGene-editing therapy for cancer moves one step closer as scientists engineer patients’ blood cells to recognise and destroy tumours

A new high? Cannabis compound that may be 30 TIMES more potent than THC is discovered by scientists

Italian scientists discover new cannabis compound, THCP,  that could be 30 times more potent than THCResearchers say the official affect has yet to be formally determinedTHCP bonds strongly with receptors…

Continue ReadingA new high? Cannabis compound that may be 30 TIMES more potent than THC is discovered by scientists

Fish that can repair their OWN HEART offer clues for millions of heart attack patients after scientists discover an immune cell is involved in its recovery

Scientists transplanted macrophages into hearts of mice and zebrafishMacrophages known to remove dead and dying cells from the bodyBut macrophages also helped to create collagen and boost scar tissueFindings could…

Continue ReadingFish that can repair their OWN HEART offer clues for millions of heart attack patients after scientists discover an immune cell is involved in its recovery

Scientists develop a vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus but warn it will take a YEAR before it could be dished out – as world health chiefs warn human-to-human spread outside of China is of ‘great concern’

Several countries have joined the global race for a jab against the killer virus Experts in Hong Kong now claim to have made a vaccine that can be testedBut the team…

Continue ReadingScientists develop a vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus but warn it will take a YEAR before it could be dished out – as world health chiefs warn human-to-human spread outside of China is of ‘great concern’

Lungs have a ‘magical ability’ to get rid of cancerous cells caused by smoking once you give up, scientists say

Some cells 'magically replenish the lining of the airways', says Sanger InstituteLungs have the 'magical' ability to replace cancerous mutations, research saysThe study included people smoking more than 15,000 packs…

Continue ReadingLungs have a ‘magical ability’ to get rid of cancerous cells caused by smoking once you give up, scientists say

Heavy-duty masks, wearing gloves and carrying sanitary wipes can help reduce risks – but hand-washing really IS the best way to prevent Coronavirus infection, expert says

The new coronavirus has spread to more than 1,000 people and killed 171 in ChinaPeople who flew from Wuhan have carried the deadly infection back to at least 15 other…

Continue ReadingHeavy-duty masks, wearing gloves and carrying sanitary wipes can help reduce risks – but hand-washing really IS the best way to prevent Coronavirus infection, expert says

‘Soft’ robotic heart that uses synthetic material combined with layers of lab-grown human cells could put an end to human transplants by 2028

Experts in Netherlands, Cambridge and London developing 'soft robot' heartAim to implant first working prototype in animals within three yearsDevice is 1 of 4 projects put up for £30million prize…

Continue Reading‘Soft’ robotic heart that uses synthetic material combined with layers of lab-grown human cells could put an end to human transplants by 2028