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1.   Research of cannabinoids regarding to all kind of diseases


Alzheimer’s Disease

Cannabinoids showed potent activity against a variety of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Streptococci:

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Research articles presenting results that are indicating that cannabinoids can have a delayed motor impairment and prolonged survival in experiments with mice:

Analgesia (Pain reduction)

Research articles presenting results that are indicating that cannabinoids suppress nociceptive neurotransmission at the level of the spinal cord and the thalamus:



Cannabinoid receptors are important in the pathology of AD and cannabinoids can succeed in preventing the neurodegenerative process occurring in the disease:



Research articles presenting both preclinical and clinical studies, which are investigating the potential antipsychotic effect together with the possible underlying mechanisms of action. Various experimental studies in animals, healthy human volunteers, and schizophrenic patients support that cannabinoids could have antipsychotic properties. Moreover, recent studies suggest that cannabinoids have a pharmacological profile similar to that of atypical antipsychotic drugs.



Research articles presenting results that are indicating that by modulating the neuronal endogenous cannabinoid signalling systems with cannabinoids could represent a novel approach to the treatment of anxiety-related:



Research articles presenting results that are indicating a reduced joint damage effect and preventive breakdown of collagen in Arthritis:


Cerebral Palsy and spasticity

Two research papers describing a mediated effect of cannabinoids to cerebral Palsy and spasticity:


COPD  (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

Some studies suggest a small improvement of the unpleasantness of breathlessness, however, more research is necessary to tell whether cannabinoids are really effective:



blogs/news articles:




Crohn’s disease     (a.k.a. Crohn syndrome and regional enteritis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD))

Cannabinoids can, by activating two types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2 receptors, have an effect of gastroprotection, reduction of gastric and intestinal motility and reduction of intestinal secretion:



Research articles indicating that cannabinoids can function as a tolerance and blockade of long-term depression at synapses in the nucleus:



Research articles showing results that are indicating that cannabinoids have an antiallodynic effect. Cannabinoids are believed to be deeply involved in all aspects of the control of energy balance, as important functions of endocannabinoids and CB1 receptors in this context are to enhance energy storage into the adipose tissue and reduce energy expenditure by influencing both lipid and glucose metabolism:


Eosinophilia granuloma

Research articles presenting results of pilot studies, where a drug with cannabinoid like compounds resulted in resolution of clinical signs and was able to reduce eosinophilic granuloma and eosinophilic plaque generation in animals.



Research articles presenting results that are indicating an anticonvulsant effect of cannabinoids by limiting the spread of epileptogenic activity:



Preliminary studies suggest that cannabinoids might be an effective therapy in patients with fibromyalgia, as patients experience significant improvements in clinical pain:



Some research articles describing the receptor activation by cannabinoid ligands, which may result in pro- or antifibrogenic effects depending on their interaction with CB1 or CB2, respectively:


Gastrointestinal Diseases




Research articles presenting results that are indicating that cannabinoids may ameliorate optic neuronal damage through suppression of aspartate receptor hyperexcitability, stimulation of neural microcirculation, and the suppression of both apoptosis and damaging free radical reactions, among other mechanisms, such as effectively lowering the intraocular pressure:



Some research articles showing that cannabinoids contribute to cardioprotective phenomenon of remote ischemic preconditioning via cannabinoid receptors in the heart.

Cannabinoids inhibited the electrically evoked cardioacceleration


Hepatitis C (can lead to Liver Cirrhosis)

Studies suggest that modest cannabis use may offer symptomatic and virological benefit to some patients undergoing HCV treatment by helping them maintain adherence to the challenging medication regimen:


Herpes – Simplex Virus Type 2 – Epstein–Barr virus (EBV, also called human herpesvirus 4)

Research articles about the effects of cannabinoids on the decrease of host resistance to infections, such as the herpes virus in vitro and animal experiments:


HIV Aids

Cannabinoids on HIV:


Hyperplasia (BPH, Enlarged prostate)

A research article regarding BPH, indicating that administration of cannabinoids turns the vascular hyperplasia into a pattern of blood vessels that is characterized by small, differentiated and impermeable capillaries. This is associated with a reduced expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and other pro-angiogenic cytokines



Research articles presenting results that are indicating that cannabinoids system can underlay the hyperactive phenotype associated with hypothyroidism.



Research articles indicating that cannabinoids have immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties, because they can modulate both the function and secretion of cytokines from immune cells:


Insomnia and PTSD

Research articles indicate that cannabinoids have a significant improvement in (PTSD-associated) insomnia and nightmares:


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS, or spastic colon)

Cannabinoids have similarly demonstrated the ability to block spinal, peripheral and gastrointestinal mechanisms that promote pain in headache, fibromyalgia, IBS and related disorders



Articles regarding to the destructive effect of cannabinoids on leukemia cells.


Liver Cirrhosis

Some research articles describing how cannabinoids can limit the progression of liver fibrosis and even induce apoptosis and growth inhibition of hepatic myofibroblasts:



Some links to research done on the reductive lymphoma tumour cell viability and an increase in apoptosis effect of cannabinoids:


Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Cannabinoid receptors have been discovered in neural tissues. These receptors may play a role in mediating the effects of the cannabinoids. The research articles below indeed show results how cannabinoids can be used for the management of multiple sclerosis. In addition, there are findings that suggest that as well as ameliorating signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis, cannabinoid CB1 and/or CB2 receptor activation may suppress some of the pathological changes that give rise to these signs and symptoms:


Muscular dystrophy

Research articles regarding Muscular dystrophy and cannabinoid treatment:


Osteoporosis (Bone disease)

Some research articles presenting results how blockade of CB1 receptors by cannabinoids stimulate adipocyte differentiation, inhibit osteoblast differentiation, and increase cAMP and pCREB in osteoblast and adipocyte precursors. The cannabinoid receptors are therefore unique in that it regulates peak bone mass and bone turnover through an effect on osteoclast activity, but protects against age-related bone loss by regulating adipocyte and osteoblast differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells:



some research papers describing that some cannabinoids, especially THCV (Garcia, 2011), could rescue dopaminergic neurons due to some anti-inflammatory mechanism:



Stimulation of CB1 cannabinoid receptors have been shown to inhibit contractions of the rat prostate gland (Tokanovic et al., 2007 ). This action appeared to be indirect, and the authors used immunohistochemical techniques to localize the CB1 cannabinoid receptors to the prostatic epithelium. CB1 cannabinoid receptor expression has also been shown in the epithelial layer of the human prostate (Ruiz-Llorente et al., 2003). Furthermore, an anandamide uptake transporter and the fatty acid amidohydrolase enzyme, which degrades endocannabinoids, are also expressed in the human prostate (Ruiz-Llorente et al., 2004). More recently, CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors have also been localized on sensory nerves innervating the human prostatic stroma and have been implicated in mediating inhibition of contraction (Gratzke et al., 2010). This indicates that cannabinoid receptors may also be a possible therapeutic target for the treatment of BPH.



Here are some research articles describing the decrease and inhabitation of keratinocyte proliferation by cannabinoids:


Sexual behaviour

Here are some of these research articles with a stimulating effect on the influence of sexual behaviour:


Sleep Apnoea

Research shows that cannabinoids stabilise respiration during all sleep stages:



Research articles regarding the effect of cannabinoids on spasticity:


Spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy







Some research articles about the anti-epileptic drug effect of cannabinoids which can reduce the severity of tinnitus. Given that cannabinoid receptor agonists have been shown to exert anti-epileptic effects in some circumstances:

– http://medicalmarijuana.com/medical-marijuana-treatments/Tinnitus

– http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3002631/



Ulcerative Colitis (form of IBD)

Signalling pathway through cannabinoid receptors may reduce colitis-associated inflammation. Cannabinoids may therefor influence the manifestation of inflammatory bowel diseases, suggesting cannabinoids as potential target for future therapies:

2.   Research of cannabinoids regarding to CANCER


Brain (Glioma) cancer

Several research articles showing results how cannabinoids inhibit glioblastoma cell proliferation, expression and activity. The effects led to significant modulations of the cell cycle and induction of reactive oxygen species and apoptosis:


Bladder cancer

Some interesting research articles describing a decrease of viability and apoptosis of bladder cancer cells by the influence of cannabinoids:


Bone cancer

Some articles about the attenuated effect of cannabinoids on bone cancer:


Breast cancer

Research articles showing how cannabinoids inhibits human breast cancer cell proliferation and invasion through differential modulation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase and reactive oxygen species pathways, and eventually leading to down-regulation of metastasis expression and the activation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway in breast cancer cells:


Cholangiocarcinoma (Bile duct cancer)

Cannabinoids inhibited cell proliferation, migration and invasion, and induced cell apoptosis. They can also decreased actin polymerization and reduced tumour cell survival in anoikis assay. Consequently, some cannabinoids are potentially used to retard cholangiocarcinoma cell growth, metastasis, reduce joint damage effect and prevent the breakdown of collagen in Arthritis:


Colon cancer (Bowel cancer / colorectal cancer / rectal cancer)

Several research articles describing an inhibition of tumour cell growth in colorectal cancer by modulating key survival signalling pathways by the influence of cannabinoids:


Kidney cancer

Research article that is presenting results showing how cannabinoids downregulate CB1 receptors in renal cell carcinomas:


Liver cancer

Research articles describing a reduction of viability of tumour cells, an inhabitation of tumour growth and even the induction of an apoptotic mechanism in tumour cells by the influence of cannabinoids:


Lung cancer

Some research articles showing an anti-invasive and antimetastatic effect of cannabinoids in primary tumour cells from lung cancer patients:


Meningioma cancer

Several research articles describing how a stimulation of the cannabinoid receptors in the human body can act as an anti-tumour mediator:


Mouth & Throat cancer

Research article that is presenting results showing how cannabinoids are potent inhibitors and have a toxic effect to oral cancer cells:


Multiple myeloma (plasma cell myeloma/Kahler’s disease)

A new research article from 2014 shows results how cannabinoids can inhibit growth, arrest cell cycle progression and induced MM cells death by regulating pathways. These results provide a rationale for using cannabinoids to increase the activity of proteasome inhibitors in MM:



Research articles presenting results, which suggest that inhibition of N-type calcium channels by cannabinoids could decrease excitability and neurotransmitter release.


Ovarian cancer

Research articles showing an antiproliferative effect on ovarian cancer cells by cannabinoids:


Pancreatic cancer

Research articles showing how cannabinoids inhibit pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell growth and lead to apoptosis of pancreatic tumour cells via CB2 receptors:


Prostate cancer

Research articles showing anti-androgenic, cell viability and increased apoptosis effects of cannabinoids on prostate tissue:

Stomach/gastric cancer

Several research articles that are showing how cannabinoids suppress proliferation on gastric cancer cell, through the induction of apoptosis. It seems that cannabinoids synergistically enhance the cytotoxic effect of paclitaxel on gastric cancer cell and can reduce gastric cancer cell proliferation via cell cycle arrest:


Skin cancer

Research articles suggesting that activation of cannabinoid receptors induced the apoptotic death of tumourigenic epidermal cells whereas the viability of non-transformed epidermal cells remained unaffected. Furthermore cannabinoids can induce a considerable growth inhibition of malignant tumours:


Uterine cancer (Cervical cancer)

Research articles that are showing possible effects of cannabinoids inducing apoptosis on cervical carcinoma cell lines, by specific targeting, and inhibit cell proliferation. Cannabinoids also seem to have a mediated a protective effect:
