This clinical study is developed to investigate the effects of cannabis products on various health condition. The main goal is that it could contribute to a better understanding of these effects and help to improve cannabinoid derived products.
The results were obtained from 112 patients from 8 different European countries that have filled an evaluation form about their use and experiences of cannabis derived products.
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Health Conditions researched
Patients who involved in this research had a wide range of health conditions. Related health conditions were combined as one group to allow a better fitting result. As such, all cancer types were combined into one group, this applied also for patients that indicated to use cannabis to ease pain due to cancer. Other patients indicated to use cannabis for various types of pain relief or chronic pain, therefore, all causes of pain (with the exception of cancer) were combined into another group. Patients that indicated to have suffer from depression, stress and/or anxiety were also placed as one health condition group.
Cancer was found to be the present for the largest part of the patients (26,4% or 29 patients), followed by pain (16,4% or 21 patients) and depression, stress and/or anxiety (14,5% or 16 patients) as seen in Figure 1.
Furthermore, 7,3% of the patients used cannabis for multiple sclerosis, 6,4% used it for sleeping problems like insomnia, 5,5% used it for fibromyalgia. Others user indicated to have used cannabis products for arthritis, epilepsy, diabetes, neuropathy, spinal disorders, migraine, COPD, PTSD, Lyme, crohn’s disease, brochities, recreational use, sexual stimulation and more.

Effects of cannabis?
Patients were asked to indicate whether the cannabis products that they used for their health conditions did satisfy their expectation.
A staggering amount of 83,9% of the patients indicated that cannabis products indeed did satisfy their expectations to use it for their health condition. 12,9% was not sure and 3,2% indicated that it did not met their expectations (see figure 2).

78,6% of the 29 cancer patients that participated in this research indicated that the cannabis products satisfied their expectations, while 21,4% did not know if it has done anything (see figure 3).

95,7% of the 21 patients with pain, indicated that the cannabis products satisfied their expectations, while 4,3% did not know if it has done anything to them (see figure 4).

80,0% of the 16 patients, with depression, stress or anxiety, indicated that the cannabis products satisfied their expectations, while 13,3% did not know if it has done anything to them and 6,7% said it has not met their satisfaction (see figure 5).

Cannabinoids used
Cannabis comes from the cannabis plant and has active ingredients called cannabinoids that can help regulate a number of biological functions in many organisms. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a cannabinoid that produces a “high” feeling that many users attribute to cannabis/marijuana, but it can also be beneficial for many side effects of cancer and its treatments. Cannabidiol (CBD) is another cannabinoid that has many potential applications in cancer and other serious medical conditions.
38,7% of the patients used a cannabis product that contained both THC and CBD, 32,3% of the patients used mainly products with THC and 26,6% used a product with mainly CBD. 2,4% was not sure what cannabis product they had used (see figure 6).

46,4% of the cancer patients used a cannabis product that contained both THC and CBD. 35,7% of these patients used mainly products with THC and 14,3% used a product with mainly CBD. 3,6% was not sure what cannabis product they had used (see figure 7).

43,5% of the patients, that mentioned to use it for pain relief, used a cannabis product that contained both THC and CBD. 34,8% of these patients used mainly products with THC and 21,7% used a product with mainly CBD (see figure 8).

40,0% of the 16 patients, that mentioned to use it for either depression, stress relief or anxiety, used a cannabis product that contained both THC and CBD. 33,3% of these patients used mainly products with CBD and 26,7% used a product with mainly THC (see figure 9).

Table 1 below shows the average responses of patients that used cannabis products for other health conditions.