A new high? Cannabis compound that may be 30 TIMES more potent than THC is discovered by scientists

Italian scientists discover new cannabis compound, THCP,  that could be 30 times more potent than THCResearchers say the official affect has yet to be formally determinedTHCP bonds strongly with receptors…

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Parkinson’s may start before BIRTH: People who develop the disease before age 50 may be born with damaged brain cells, study finds

Between 6,000 and 12,000 people in the US have Parkinson's disease that started before they were 50 years old  Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California 'rewound' cells of people early-onset…

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Scientists stumble across killer immune cell that can destroy most types of cancer in major step for a ‘one size fits all’ treatment

T-cell recognised and destroyed most types of cancers, ignoring healthy cellsIt killed off 10 types of cancer including lung, skin, blood, colon, breast and boneOpens door to a 'one size fits…

Continue ReadingScientists stumble across killer immune cell that can destroy most types of cancer in major step for a ‘one size fits all’ treatment

The end of daily finger-prick tests for diabetics? AI heart monitor ‘can detect dangerously low blood sugar levels’

Scientists used artificial intelligence to detect low blood sugar levelsPatients wore electrocardiogram (ECG) monitors 24 hours a day for two weeksResearchers trained a computer system to spot normal and low…

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Laughing gas can ease symptoms of depression in just two hours by acting on a brain chemical with no side-effects, new research suggests

Laughing gas can ease symptoms of depression in two hours, research suggestsKetamine and nitrous oxide act on different brain chemical known as glutamateUp to one in four with depression show no…

Continue ReadingLaughing gas can ease symptoms of depression in just two hours by acting on a brain chemical with no side-effects, new research suggests

Parkinson’s hope as scientists find a probiotic can stop and even REVERSE the build-up of toxic clumps in brain that cause tremors

Probiotic bacillus subtilis prevented the formation of toxic clumps of proteinAlpha-synuclein blocks production of dopamine, which controls movementCampaigners said findings were 'exciting' as they highlight link to the gut  A…

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Cancer breakthrough as scientists discover how ‘helper’ cells are turned on by immunotherapy to destroy malignant tumours

Some cells, known as CD4+ T cells, directly target tumours after immunotherapyBut exactly how their cancer-killing powers were unlocked remained a mysteryUCL researchers found two molecules are responsible for initiating the…

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Scientists ‘cure’ alcoholism by implanting ELECTRODES in the brain – as doctor, 67, becomes first person in North America to undergo treatment

Canadian researchers used deep brain stimulation to treat severe alcoholismFrank Plummer, 67, drank almost an entire 70cl bottle of whiskey every nightWas on verge of killing himself by continuing to…

Continue ReadingScientists ‘cure’ alcoholism by implanting ELECTRODES in the brain – as doctor, 67, becomes first person in North America to undergo treatment

Breakthrough as scientists create a new cowpox-style virus that can kill EVERY type of cancer

Scientists are hoping a new cowpox-style virus could kill every type of cancer Professor Yuman Fong, from the US, is engineering the treatment called CF33 The treatment is being developed by Australia biotech company Imugene …

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Alzheimer’s could be halted with treatment which eliminates immune cells in the brain, scientists claim

Tangled tau protein in the brain is a recognised tell-tale of an Alzheimer's patientWhen tau becomes knotted, immune brain cells known as microglia attack it But in doing so, the microglia…

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Multiple sclerosis could be stopped in the next DECADE, researchers say as they hail scientific breakthroughs that ‘pave the way to wiping out the condition’

Scientists say range of medications will be in late stage trials by as early as 2025This year saw breakthrough with blood sugar and cholesterol-lowering drugs Currently only medications available for sufferers focus on…

Continue ReadingMultiple sclerosis could be stopped in the next DECADE, researchers say as they hail scientific breakthroughs that ‘pave the way to wiping out the condition’