Scientists discover human gene that can help damaged tissues in the heart repair themselves

Scientists have found a way to repair heart muscles in a medical breakthrough Came after researchers targeted gene that can cause cancerous cells to spreadThey found when it becomes active in…

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New Bluetooth sensor ‘can detect heart failure 10 days before it happens even when patients show no symptoms’

Device worn on chest tracks heart rate and rhythm, sleep quality and step countIt pings this data to app which using artificial intelligence to get normal baselineCan then detect when…

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Breathing in fine particles from air pollution on a smoggy day for just six hours could trigger a heart attack, study finds

Researchers looked at air pollution exposure in Germany and the number of nonfatal heart attacksUltrafine particles mostly come from vehicle emission and can penetrate deep into the bloodstream  Spending six hours outside increased…

Continue ReadingBreathing in fine particles from air pollution on a smoggy day for just six hours could trigger a heart attack, study finds

Cure for heart failure moves ‘one giant step closer’ as scientists successfully regenerate dead tissue in rats using stem cells

Combining heart cells with stem cells could make heart tissue grow backAround 900,000 people in the UK have heart failure, as well as 5.7m AmericansStem cell therapy has failed in…

Continue ReadingCure for heart failure moves ‘one giant step closer’ as scientists successfully regenerate dead tissue in rats using stem cells