Putting exercise bikes in offices and getting employees to use them for just nine minutes twice a week could slash their risk of heart disease, study claims

The short workout is so easy people can do it in their work clothes, scientists saidJust two eight-minute sessions per week boosted cardiovascular fitness by 10% People who took part said…

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Scientists discover human gene that can help damaged tissues in the heart repair themselves

Scientists have found a way to repair heart muscles in a medical breakthrough Came after researchers targeted gene that can cause cancerous cells to spreadThey found when it becomes active in…

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Consuming half a tablespoon of olive oil a day cuts heart attack risk by a FIFTH, research shows

Harvard researchers studied the health of nearly 100,000 people over 24 years They found that higher olive oil consumption was beneficial to heart health Tablespoon per day meant a 15 per cent lower…

Continue ReadingConsuming half a tablespoon of olive oil a day cuts heart attack risk by a FIFTH, research shows

As few as 2,100 steps a day could extend the lives of pensioners and slash the risk of heart disease and diabetes in middle-aged people

Researchers in the US looked at data from nearly 2,000 people who were active They monitored physical activity and found consistent lesser risks of diseaseNumber of people diagnosed with diabetes in the…

Continue ReadingAs few as 2,100 steps a day could extend the lives of pensioners and slash the risk of heart disease and diabetes in middle-aged people

New Bluetooth sensor ‘can detect heart failure 10 days before it happens even when patients show no symptoms’

Device worn on chest tracks heart rate and rhythm, sleep quality and step countIt pings this data to app which using artificial intelligence to get normal baselineCan then detect when…

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‘Soft’ robotic heart that uses synthetic material combined with layers of lab-grown human cells could put an end to human transplants by 2028

Experts in Netherlands, Cambridge and London developing 'soft robot' heartAim to implant first working prototype in animals within three yearsDevice is 1 of 4 projects put up for £30million prize…

Continue Reading‘Soft’ robotic heart that uses synthetic material combined with layers of lab-grown human cells could put an end to human transplants by 2028

Breathing in fine particles from air pollution on a smoggy day for just six hours could trigger a heart attack, study finds

Researchers looked at air pollution exposure in Germany and the number of nonfatal heart attacksUltrafine particles mostly come from vehicle emission and can penetrate deep into the bloodstream  Spending six hours outside increased…

Continue ReadingBreathing in fine particles from air pollution on a smoggy day for just six hours could trigger a heart attack, study finds

How two apples a day keep cholesterol at bay: A brace of the fruit daily for eight weeks can lower ‘bad’ cholesterol by up to four per cent, study finds

Researchers find people who eat apples daily have more relaxed blood vesselsScientists found that eating two apples every day lowers bad cholesterol This small dietary change may help to reduce the…

Continue ReadingHow two apples a day keep cholesterol at bay: A brace of the fruit daily for eight weeks can lower ‘bad’ cholesterol by up to four per cent, study finds

GP patients will have their entire genome screened for clues related to cancer and heart disease risk in a study in the hope of rolling it out on the NHS

Researchers will assess how patients cope psychologically with resultsGenetic screening can identify clues for cancers and heart diseases The method is said to be much more reliable than popular at-home genetic kits…

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A blood test could predict heart disease and early death risks 40 YEARS in advance, study suggests

Inflammation raises risks of all manner of health problems, ranging from heart disease to diabetes and even Alzheimer's  Researchers at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center tested the blood of nearly 250,000 men…

Continue ReadingA blood test could predict heart disease and early death risks 40 YEARS in advance, study suggests

Fried food DOES increase your risk of coronary artery disease: Scientists discover fries block the blood vessels that supply the heart after years of ‘conflicting’ results

Past studies have been mixed on how fried food affects our blood vesselsLatest research shows eating deep-fried 'treats' once a week raises the riskHeating oils causes blood pressure to rise…

Continue ReadingFried food DOES increase your risk of coronary artery disease: Scientists discover fries block the blood vessels that supply the heart after years of ‘conflicting’ results

Fascinating picture shows anti-ageing drugs really DO work: One mouse given the medication kept its glossy brown fur – while another untreated mouse started to go grey

Mice treated with the drugs kept their glossy fur and bright eyes  Stark contrast to the frail, tired-looking mice who did not receive the medication Drugs extended the rodents' lifespan…

Continue ReadingFascinating picture shows anti-ageing drugs really DO work: One mouse given the medication kept its glossy brown fur – while another untreated mouse started to go grey