Scientists discover human gene that can help damaged tissues in the heart repair themselves

Scientists have found a way to repair heart muscles in a medical breakthrough Came after researchers targeted gene that can cause cancerous cells to spreadThey found when it becomes active in…

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Fish that can repair their OWN HEART offer clues for millions of heart attack patients after scientists discover an immune cell is involved in its recovery

Scientists transplanted macrophages into hearts of mice and zebrafishMacrophages known to remove dead and dying cells from the bodyBut macrophages also helped to create collagen and boost scar tissueFindings could…

Continue ReadingFish that can repair their OWN HEART offer clues for millions of heart attack patients after scientists discover an immune cell is involved in its recovery

Breathing in fine particles from air pollution on a smoggy day for just six hours could trigger a heart attack, study finds

Researchers looked at air pollution exposure in Germany and the number of nonfatal heart attacksUltrafine particles mostly come from vehicle emission and can penetrate deep into the bloodstream  Spending six hours outside increased…

Continue ReadingBreathing in fine particles from air pollution on a smoggy day for just six hours could trigger a heart attack, study finds

Too little sleep may raise heart attack risks – but more than 10 hours a night may DOUBLE the danger, study finds

Getting enough sleep cuts risks of dementia, heart disease, obesity and more But new University of Colorado, Boulder, research suggests that too much sleep may hurt the heart too People who got…

Continue ReadingToo little sleep may raise heart attack risks – but more than 10 hours a night may DOUBLE the danger, study finds