Eating less, exercising more, and quitting alcohol and cigarettes could slash dementia rates by up to 40%, major study finds

Team of 28 world-leading dementia experts conducted the review for the LancetPoor blood circulation is hugely influenced by diet, exercise and drinking habitsEducation also now known to have a protective…

Continue ReadingEating less, exercising more, and quitting alcohol and cigarettes could slash dementia rates by up to 40%, major study finds

Mediterranean diet rich in fish and whole grains can keep the brain sharp and help fight dementia, research suggests

Mediterranean diet not only helps you live longer but it can keep the brain sharpHigh fish and vegetable consumption were linked to the most protective effect The study found that those…

Continue ReadingMediterranean diet rich in fish and whole grains can keep the brain sharp and help fight dementia, research suggests

Why a healthy skeleton is a key defence against illness: No, we’re not ribbing you, bones have an important role to play in your health — from stress to weight gain

Dr Chris Murgatroyd is a reader at Manchester Metropolitan UniversityHe studied the relation between bone degradation and cognitive decline Study comes as others also highlight how skeletons impact hormone production We know…

Continue ReadingWhy a healthy skeleton is a key defence against illness: No, we’re not ribbing you, bones have an important role to play in your health — from stress to weight gain

Too little sleep may raise heart attack risks – but more than 10 hours a night may DOUBLE the danger, study finds

Getting enough sleep cuts risks of dementia, heart disease, obesity and more But new University of Colorado, Boulder, research suggests that too much sleep may hurt the heart too People who got…

Continue ReadingToo little sleep may raise heart attack risks – but more than 10 hours a night may DOUBLE the danger, study finds

Drinking a cup of tea each day is good for your BRAIN as scientists claim it could help protect against age-related decline

Three dozen adults who were all aged 60 or above were involved in the studyThey were asked to take part a range of cognitive tests and had MRI scans takenAll…

Continue ReadingDrinking a cup of tea each day is good for your BRAIN as scientists claim it could help protect against age-related decline

Scientists find gazing at an espresso, cappuccino or latte ‘may have same effect as drinking the caffeine’

Seeing a 'coffee cue' activates areas of the brain that control alertness Looking at coffee helps people think in 'more concrete, precise terms' It also may make the day feel like…

Continue ReadingScientists find gazing at an espresso, cappuccino or latte ‘may have same effect as drinking the caffeine’