Could CBD help in the fight against Covid? Potent cannabis shows ‘potential’ to stop people getting infected, scientists say

US scientists found human cells exposed to CBD were more resistant to Covid  They tested the cannabis compound on human cells and mice in laboratory testsThe CBD used was high purity, and…

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Can CANNABIS be used to treat migraines? First trial to test THC and CBD as potential treatments for acute headaches is underway

Migraines are a common condition that tend to start in early adulthoodA trial of 20 participants is underway at the University of CaliforniaParticipants will receive either THC, CBD, a combination…

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Half of advanced cancer patients given new drug saw their tumours stop growing or disappear completely as first clinical trial provides ‘encouraging’ results

Researchers in the UK tested berzosertib on 40 patients with advanced tumoursDespite being an early trial to evaluate safe dosage, results were 'encouraging'Berzosertib works by blocking the protein in cancer cells that…

Continue ReadingHalf of advanced cancer patients given new drug saw their tumours stop growing or disappear completely as first clinical trial provides ‘encouraging’ results

Shares for a cannabis company spiked 324% after the FDA said it could apply to run a clinical trial of its marijuana-derived drug to treat coronavirus patients

FSD Pharma received approval from the FDA to apply to run a clinical trial of a cannabis-derived drug on coronavirus patientsThe drug mimics molecules naturally found in marijuana that bind to…

Continue ReadingShares for a cannabis company spiked 324% after the FDA said it could apply to run a clinical trial of its marijuana-derived drug to treat coronavirus patients