Eating less, exercising more, and quitting alcohol and cigarettes could slash dementia rates by up to 40%, major study finds

Team of 28 world-leading dementia experts conducted the review for the LancetPoor blood circulation is hugely influenced by diet, exercise and drinking habitsEducation also now known to have a protective…

Continue ReadingEating less, exercising more, and quitting alcohol and cigarettes could slash dementia rates by up to 40%, major study finds

Healthy lifestyle may protect against dementia: Not smoking, avoiding alcohol and exercising more ‘cuts the risk of the memory-robbing disorder by a THIRD’

The study by Dutch academics followed 6,000 people for an average of 14 yearsThey found having unhealthy habits raises the risk of dementia by around 29%But an unhealthy lifestyle 'made…

Continue ReadingHealthy lifestyle may protect against dementia: Not smoking, avoiding alcohol and exercising more ‘cuts the risk of the memory-robbing disorder by a THIRD’