- George Gannon, 30, from Basingstoke, had multiple brain tumours
- December 2018 started taking cannabis oil and in February quit chemotherapy
- By August was told by medics he was almost completely cancer free
- Revealed: ‘It’s quite surreal, it’s the best news we could ever have imagined’
A man has revealed he is ‘essentially cancer free’ after quitting chemotherapy and taking cannabis oil instead – which he claims helped to reduce his 12 tumours by 95 per cent.
George Gannon, 30, from Basingstoke, was diagnosed with multiple brain tumours last summer and in December 2018 was told he ‘probably wouldn’t survive.’
Turning to other forms of medicine, he started using cannabis oil and two months later quit his chemotherapy altogether – and now, medics have told him he is almost completely cancer free.
‘It was quite surreal,’ he said, speaking to the Bazingstoke Gazette. ‘I was shaking like a leaf. It was the best news we could have ever imagined.’

George Gannon, 30, from Basingstoke, claims taking cannabis oil helped to reduce his 12 brain tumours by 95 per cent (pictured herewith his girlfriend Natalie)
The businessman was devastated by his cancer diagnosis last year when doctors told him he had multiple brain tumours, aged 29.
At the time he was living on island Ko Pha Ngan in Thailand, had no medical insurance and was unable to get the care he desperately required.
After returning to the UK, he started a high dose of chemotherapy but told how it had ‘nearly destroyed’ him, and had left him in a very dark place.
Believing there was little hope left, doctors began speaking to George about hospice options.
Desperate for help, George and his girlfriend Natalie started seeking alternate therapies.
In December 2018 he started taking cannabis oil and by February this year, he quit chemotherapy after it nearly cost him his life.
George told how he felt more energised after taking the oil three times a day at a cost of around £1,300 a month.
‘I started to feel like a completely new person, but I had no idea if I was well or not,’ he told the publication.
‘I suddenly had more energy and was behaving like normal. I could tell something had shifted but I wasn’t sure.’
Three months on, an MRI Scan revealed George’s tumours had stopped growing and by August, medics said he was almost completely cancer free.
However, George warned on Facebook that he’s not entirely clear of the disease yet.
He penned: ‘I’m not cleared just yet. And don’t want to hype it up to much (the doc hyped it up for us) but it’s more than obvious cannabis oil straight up works, clearing twelve tumours in less than a year.
‘I have an incredible family and my absolutely incredible girlfriend Natalie was has been by my side and has been the life line I needed to stay on track.
‘She reminded me why I needed to stay on track and I cannot thank all you amazing souls enough for being there!
‘Thank you! #****Cancer #WeedWins.’
A mother-of-two claimed in February that she has cured her aggressive breast cancer by taking one drop of cannabis oil containing THC every day.
Dee Mani, 44, refused chemotherapy when she was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer – deemed the deadliest form – and instead opted to try the oil, which is illegal in the UK.
Doctors gave her the all-clear just five months after she opted for the oil.
Despite her claims that it has cured her of cancer, there is no proof cannabis, or any of its compounds, can treat cancer in humans as research showing the drug’s anti-tumour effects have been in petri dishes and on mice.
Dr Kat Arney, formerly from Cancer Research UK, said that while study findings have been promising, cancer patients should not get their hopes up.
She previously said: ‘We know that cannabinoids can have a range of different effects on cancer cells grown in the lab and animal tumours.
‘But at the moment there isn’t good evidence from clinical trials to prove that they can safely and effectively treat cancer in patients.’
Cannabis oil – which is different to CBD oil because it contains THC, the compound that gives users a ‘high’ – is illegal under UK laws.
It influences the release and uptake of ‘feel good’ chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin.
Billy Caldwell, from Castlederg, Northern Ireland, made headlines last April when he became the first Briton to be prescribed it on the NHS.
He was granted permission to use cannabis oil to treat his epilepsy earlier this year.
Source: Dailymail