Newly appointed Health Minister, Stephen Donnelly’s 2017 interview discussing Irish cannabis law has resurfaced.
The Minister of Health informed Hot Press he tried cannabis in the past. Most importantly, Donnelly also noted he would be open to legalising the drug.
In light of this, a spokeswoman for the Department of Health stated –” Minister Donnelly stands by his [2017] interview”.
Stephen Donnelly revealed he would ease Irish cannabis laws, decriminalising small amounts of marijuana.
“If a grown adult wants to grow a herb and then smoke it, and there are no negative consequences for other people, then they should be allowed to do that.”
-Stephen Donnelly, Hotpress, 2017
Drug tourism is not the goal
Above all, the Wicklow TD advises a mindful approach for the easing of Irish cannabis laws. Especially when considering the long term effects on mental health cannabis has on the developing brain.
In addition, Donnelly points out that ‘drug tourism’ is not the goal of easing Irish cannabis laws.
“A la Amsterdam – … is not something we want here.”
In the past, Fianna Fáil were criticised for their outdated stance on cannabis.
Now, both Fianna Fail and Fine Gael are rejecting the Green Party’s proposal to legalise cannabis in Ireland.
Perhaps the newly appointed Health Minister will aid reform on Irish drugs’ policies.
Both parties agreed to look into extending cannabis use fo palliative care to provide pain relief.
The three parties have agreed to examine current regulations applying to cannabis for medical use.
Source: TheExtract