Individuals who suffer from night terrors, harrowing nightmares and fear of loud noises after dark are turning to CBD oil in a bid to find effective alternative treatments.
A new study reveals that the oil could help prevent distressing dreams, especially among those who suffer from varying degrees of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).
New research also indicated that CBD oil could eliminate night terrors.
According to author Lucas Elms, who led the study, CBD appears to provide relief in a subgroup of PTSD test patients who reported experiencing frequent nightmares as one of the symptoms of their disorder.
The endocannabinoid system
Elms, who carried out the research at Rocky Vista University, Colorado, USA, continued to explain that the effect is believed to be a result of the actions of the cannabidiol compound on the ECS (endocannabinoid system).
The ECS consists of a complex network of CBD receptors in the peripheral and central nervous systems. While everyone has an active ECS, in some people, the system malfunctions, resulting in hormone imbalances and the subsequent exacerbation of fears.
PTSD is at its core an anxiety disorder caused by an extremely stressful, frightening or distressing event. According to the UK’s NHS website, a person suffering from PTSD often relives the traumatic event that caused their condition through flashbacks and nightmares.

Lucas continued to reveal that there has been a big surge in research related to the potential positive benefits of CBD in the management of neuropsychiatric conditions, recently. His study consisted of 11 participants and took place over the course of eight weeks.
CBD for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
CBD has been assigned an open-label classification allowing for flexible dosing regimens for those diagnosed with PTSD by a professional mental health care provider.
Patients taking the drug as part of the study received standard psychiatric care, which included psychotherapy and medication.
The CBD was administered orally alongside standard PTSD psychiatric care and was well-tolerated by all patients – no patients opted to discontinue treatment due to negative side effects – and appears to result in a reduction of PTSD symptoms.
According to David Barcly, CBD oil specialist and founder of UK CBD supplier CDD Armour, the CBD administered appeared to provide relief to a subset of sufferers of frequent night terrors and he is not all surprised by the study’s findings. He claims CBD oil can offer effective treatment to many people dealing with anxiety, stress, and insomnia.
Barcly explained that CBD Armour has reports from many customers saying they sleep better at night and generally feel less anxiety when they take CBD oil. After all, if CBD oil can prevent extreme nightmares in PTSD patients, it can surely offer those who just have a hard time sleeping a better night of rest. Others studies have indeed shown that CBD can reduce anxiety symptoms and promote better sleep.

Take a recent study conducted by the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado, Denver: the study aimed to find out if CDB could help improve anxiety and/or sleep issues. Within the first 30 days, 57 out of the total 72 patients reported decreased anxiety and improved sleep quality after taking CBD for the designated time period.
The study’s author, Dr. Scott Shannon reported that it appears CBD is better tolerated than many routine psychiatric medications and displays promise as an alternative treatment for reducing anxiety symptoms in clinical populations.
Source: TheExtract.