Cannabidiol (CBD) has become a very popular alternative treatment in recent years. People are using it for conditions like epilepsy, anxiety, depression and even chronic pain.
For a number of reasons including its non-psychoactive effects and gentle nature on the body, it’s increasing in popularity.
An increasing number of users are bringing a lot of doubts too about which product to choose.
Today we’re looking at two of the most common CBD products you’ll find –
CBD Isolate and CBD Full Spectrum.
What is CBD?
Let’s start right down at the basics of CBD, shall we?
CBD (cannabidiol) is only one of at least 140 phytocannabinoids found in cannabis plants.
Taken in larger doses, CBD can even counteract THC’s psychoactive properties. However, it is mostly recognised for its beneficial effects and healing properties.
CBD Isolate – what is it? How’s it made?
CBD Isolate is the purest form of naturally occurring CBD. In fact, it’s almost 99.9% pure CBD.
It’s also often referred to as CBD Crystals because it comes in a solid, diamond-like form.
Those diamonds or CBD Crystals are then carefully crushed and ground into fine powder for easier consumption.
Like other CBD products, Isolate is made from carefully filtered hemp plant extract. This is obtained with supercritical CO2 extraction methods. This allows for the cleanest and purest product anywhere on the market.
However, despite this extraction process, it is possible for CBD Isolate to contain trace amounts of other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.
CBD Isolate vs. Full spectrum CBD
Like we said above, there are two main types of CBD on the market – Full Spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate.
What is full-spectrum?
When referring to CBD as full-spectrum, people usually mean CBD oil. This contains not only CBD but other cannabinoids, too.
Generally speaking, THC content does not exceed 0.2% in most CBD products. Mostly we find Full Spectrum CBD Oils with low THC and high CBD content. This also includes flavonoids, terpenes and other cannabinoids such as CBN, CBDV, THCV, CBG, CBC, THCA, CBDA.
They play a crucial role in achieving the “entourage effect” (essentially when cannabinoids work in synergistic ways).
Because the THC content is so low, there is almost no possibility that you would feel any psychotropic effects that THC is famous for.
CBD Isolate and crystals
CBD Isolate, in general, shouldn’t contain any other cannabinoids, flavonoids or terpenes (note: terpenes are sometimes added to CBD isolate).
CBD Crystals is purified cannabidiol extracted from industrial hemp and isolated from other cannabinoids.
The main reason that people choose CBD Isolate over Full Spectrum CBD Oil is often down to CBD’s non-psychoactive effects. CBD doesn’t cause feelings of ‘euphoria’ typically associated with regular cannabis.
It also has numerous benefits for our well-being and scientifically proven possibilities to treat or prevent different problems and diseases.
How to use CBD Isolate?
CBD Isolate usually comes in a crystal or powder form.
This can bring up a lot of questions about ingestion such as –
- Can I eat CBD Isolate?
- Should I put it into water or coffee?
- Can it be vaped?
- How much CBD Isolate should I take?
- etc
So we’ve put together all the answers you need about CBD isolate.
Most efficient method of CBD ingestion
The most efficient and bioavailable method of CBD administration is vaping.
On the market today, there are numerous CBD vape juices (or CBD e-liquids).
Most of these contain only CBD Isolate which is diluted during the PG/VG base. This kind of vape juices can also be made at home, all that you need is the PG/VG base with appropriate ratio and CBD Isolate.
First, put PG (propylene glycol) or VG (vegetable glycol) base into a container. After that, put the desired amount of CBD Crystals in it.
Close the bottle, shake well and wait until the Crystals dilute. If necessary, shake well again.
Some users want to add some terpenes for flavouring, however, there are also CBD Isolates with terpenes added. It’s recommended not to prepare more than 5% CBD e-liquid because it’s just not particularly pleasant.
Cannabinoids and fat
CBD like many other cannabinoids binds to fat. With this in mind, CBD Isolate isn’t ideal for mixing in water or other non-fat drinks.
Of course, you can put it into the water, however, it won’t dilute and when you’ll drink it, some crystals might stay in the glass/cup.
If you intend to drink CBD Isolate, we recommend you always put them into drinks with added milk, butter, or other fats.
CBD and other foods
CBD Isolate can be eaten on its own or mixed into different foods. When ingesting CBD Isolate you should ideally put it under the tongue for the most effective absorption. This is commonly called sublingual use.
If you intend to use CBD for specific problems or illnesses always consult with your doctor first.
We cannot stress this enough – always consult with your doctor before stopping any medication in favour of CBD or treating with CBD.
You can find studies and published research published on the internet. These should give some clear indications on exact doses for different conditions.
Start small and increase gradually
It’s always recommended to start with small doses. Over time you can gradually increase your dosage. Try increments of every few days or every week, until you find your optimal dose.
Why do this?
Because each person is unique and has differently developed Endocannabinoid systems. With CBD it’s not one size fits all.
Why choose CBD isolate?
Although almost every study, research and clinical trial confirmed that full-spectrum CBD products offer a wider range of benefits, people still tend to choose CBD Isolate over full spectrum.
There are those that believe that THC has no medicinal value whatsoever. Others, too, dismiss it due to the psychoactive effects.
CBD Isolate, however, can offer us one thing that full-spectrum can’t – THC free product.
Many people still have doubts over THC but in such low quantities, it is almost impossible to produce a “high”.
Others prefer to play it safe because even if traces of THC are found in CBD products, there is always a risk of failing the drug test.
If you live in a country where THC is completely illegal or you have a job that requires drug tests, CBD crystals could be a perfect fit for you. Otherwise, it is up to you to decide if you’d rather buy CBD Isolate or other Full Spectrum products, but keep in mind, that full-spectrum products are much more efficient.
Source: TheExtract