The Extract examines the amount of CBD infused in products that actually make it into the bloodstream. This is a significant issue that is surprisingly overlooked by many businesses.
Is it possible customers are overpaying for CBD products in search for a greater effect? Understanding the bioavailability of CBD products is important as it allows for better insight into the effectiveness of that product.
As well as that, understanding CBD bioavailability helps businesses decide which products are best to launch with.
Bioavailability – What is it?
Bioavailability is the rate in which any substance can be absorbed into the living body. In simple terms, this refers to how a substance can be ingested into your body.
Therefore, when substances enter the vascular system, they are fully available in the bloodstream and are 100% bioavailable.
Understanding the ‘bioavailability’ of a product gives you a helpful insight into the effectiveness of that product. In regards to CBD, most of the product you consume will be destroyed before it reaches your bloodstream.
Why is CBD bioavailability so important?
Gaining a thorough understanding of CBD bioavailability and how it works is worthwhile. Not only does it help you increase the effectiveness of the CBD you are taking. It also ensures you do not overspend on methods that have low bioavailability.
Why should you put CBD under the tongue?
It is important that CBD oil is placed under the tongue for as long as possible. This allows for the maximum amount of time for it to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
The method of consuming under the tongue is known as sublingual. This allows for the CBD oil to be in close proximity to the capillaries in the mouth. Therefore, the CBD will absorb directly into the bloodstream whilst also by-passing the digestive tract.
If CBD oil is allowed to enter the digestive tract, then only 20% or less will reach the bloodstream where it can be dispersed around the whole body. CBD in the digestive tract also takes much longer for the effects to be felt when compared to sublingually absorbed CBD oil.
In contrast, CBD oil that is left under the tongue for long enough will have up to 95% absorption rate. This CBD oil can then go on to reach the body’s endocannabinoid receptors where it can cause a wealth of positive benefits.
Essentially, if you don’t put CBD oil under your tongue and hold it there for at least 2 minutes, you are throwing your hard-earned money away.
In summary, if CBD oil is taken under the tongue and left long enough, you will:
- Absorb it quicker, feeling the benefits sooner;
- Allow more CBD oil to enter your bloodstream, improving its effectiveness;
- Save more money on CBD oil because you don’t need as much for the same effect as other consumption methods.
If you take CBD oil any other way or if you haven’t started taking CBD sublingually. Try it and notice the benefits for yourself.
The major benefits of CBD
CBD oil is being used by millions of people around the world to treat a variety of different personal issues.
Countless studies out there suggest that CBD oil interacts with your body to aid homeostasis and create well-being, yet some people still believe the whole industry to be a scam.
It’s more than likely that these people have either never taken CBD oil or have taken it incorrectly.
There are many benefits to the use of CBD such as;
- pain relief,
- reduction of anxiety and depression,
- alleviation of cancer-related symptoms,
- reduction of acne
- and possible improved heart health.
In addition to that, CBD can be of aid to post-traumatic stress disorder and has been proven to promote sleep. One of the many reasons CBD has grown in popularity over recent years is that it is marketed as “non-psychoactive”. Hence, consumers can reap the health benefits from the plant without getting high.
Bioavailability of CBD
CBD can be administered into the system in numerous ways and there are pros and cons to each. In order to achieve optimum bioavailability from your CBD, the most effective method would be intravenous administration. This involves the injection of CBD directly into the bloodstream through the veins. Although this delivers 100% of CBD into the body, it is not the most popular option as many, understandably do not like the idea of using needles. The most popular methods of using CBD are….
- Orally (Capsules, oils and CBD edibles)
- Inhaled (Smoking and vaping)
- Sublingual (Drops and sprays)
- Transdermal ( Transdermal patches and tropical CBD)
CBD affects every individual differently, however, knowing the information about how each measure will reach your blood for use in your body, will aid you in making better-informed decisions about what to purchase and how to use it.
Orally (Capsules, oils and edibles)
Although oral consumption of CBD has many benefits, the most obvious being that it is probably the easiest, the substance has to pass through our metabolic and digestive systems which in turn abolishes a large portion of the CBD which significantly reduces its bioavailability. For example, if you eat an edible with 120mg of CBD, many researchers believe only 40mg will actually reach your bloodstream.
Inhaled (Smoking and vaping)
Inhalation is also an efficient way to consume CBD. This is because it bypasses the digestive tract and liver which subsequently allows the CBD to become readily absorbed through the membranes that line the air sacs of the lungs where it enters directly into the bloodstream.
Source: TheExtract